Non-exhaustive enums could have additional variants added in future. Therefore, when matching against variants of non-exhaustive enums, an extra wildcard arm must be added to account for any future variants.
In this mode, the poller will only deliver one event per file descriptor or socket.
Once an event has been delivered, interest in the event needs to be re-enabled
by calling Poller::modify or Poller::add.
Once an event has been delivered, polling will continue to deliver that event
until interest in the event is disabled by calling Poller::modify or Poller::delete.
Not all operating system support this mode. Trying to register a file descriptor with
this mode in an unsupported operating system will raise an error. You can check if
the operating system supports this mode by calling Poller::supports_level.
Once an event has been delivered, polling will not deliver that event again unless
a new event occurs.
Not all operating system support this mode. Trying to register a file descriptor with
this mode in an unsupported operating system will raise an error. You can check if
the operating system supports this mode by calling Poller::supports_edge.
This mode is similar to the Oneshot mode, but it will only deliver one event per new
Not all operating system support this mode. Trying to register a file descriptor with
this mode in an unsupported operating system will raise an error. You can check if
the operating system supports this mode by calling Poller::supports_edge.