Crate nom_regex

Expand description

Parser combinators that use regular expressions.

This crate provides combinators for nom parser combinators using the regex crate.


use nom::{Err, error::ErrorKind};
use nom_regex::str::re_match;
fn main() {
  let re = regex::Regex::new(r"^\d{4}").unwrap();
  let parser = re_match::<(&str, ErrorKind)>(re);
  assert_eq!(parser("2019"), Ok(("", "2019")));
  assert_eq!(parser("abc"), Err(Err::Error(("abc", ErrorKind::RegexpMatch))));
  assert_eq!(parser("2019-10"), Ok(("", "2019-10")));


  • Regular expression parser combinators for bytes.
  • Regular expression parser combinators for strings.