Crate calamine

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Rust Excel/OpenDocument reader


calamine is a pure Rust library to read Excel and OpenDocument Spreadsheet files.

Read both cell values and vba project.


use calamine::{Reader, open_workbook, Xlsx, Data};

// opens a new workbook
let mut workbook: Xlsx<_> = open_workbook(path).expect("Cannot open file");

// Read whole worksheet data and provide some statistics
if let Ok(range) = workbook.worksheet_range("Sheet1") {
    let total_cells = range.get_size().0 * range.get_size().1;
    let non_empty_cells: usize = range.used_cells().count();
    println!("Found {} cells in 'Sheet1', including {} non empty cells",
             total_cells, non_empty_cells);
    // alternatively, we can manually filter rows
    assert_eq!(non_empty_cells, range.rows()
        .flat_map(|r| r.iter().filter(|&c| c != &Data::Empty)).count());

// Check if the workbook has a vba project
if let Some(Ok(mut vba)) = workbook.vba_project() {
    let vba = vba.to_mut();
    let module1 = vba.get_module("Module 1").unwrap();
    println!("Module 1 code:");
    println!("{}", module1);
    for r in vba.get_references() {
        if r.is_missing() {
            println!("Reference {} is broken or not accessible",;

// You can also get defined names definition (string representation only)
for name in workbook.defined_names() {
    println!("name: {}, formula: {}", name.0, name.1);

// Now get all formula!
let sheets = workbook.sheet_names().to_owned();
for s in sheets {
    println!("found {} formula in '{}'",
                .expect("error while getting formula")
                .rows().flat_map(|r| r.iter().filter(|f| !f.is_empty()))


  • Parse vbaProject.bin file


  • A struct to hold cell position and value
  • A struct to iterate over all cells
  • Dimensions info
  • Structure for Excel date and time representation.
  • Common file metadata
  • An OpenDocument Spreadsheet document parser
  • A struct which represents a squared selection of cells
  • A configured Range deserializer.
  • Builds a Range deserializer with some configuration options.
  • An iterator to read Range struct row by row
  • Metadata of sheet
  • Struct with the key elements of a table
  • A struct to iterate over used cells
  • A struct representing an old xls format file (CFB)
  • Options to perform specialized parsing.
  • A Xlsb reader
  • A struct representing xml zipped excel file Xlsx, Xlsm, Xlam


  • An enum to represent all different errors that can appear as a value in a worksheet cell
  • An enum to represent all different data types that can appear as a value in a worksheet cell
  • An enum to represent all different data types that can appear as a value in a worksheet cell
  • A cell deserialization specific error enum
  • A struct to handle any error and a message
  • Excel datetime type. Possible: date, time, datetime, duration. At this time we can only determine datetime (date and time are datetime too) and duration.
  • Row to use as header By default, the first non-empty row is used as header
  • An enum for ods specific errors
  • Type of sheet
  • Type of visible sheet
  • A wrapper over all sheets when the file type is not known at static time
  • An enum to handle Xls specific errors
  • A Xlsb specific error
  • An enum for Xlsx specific errors


  • A trait to constrain cells
  • A trait to represent all different data types that can appear as a value in a worksheet cell
  • A trait to share spreadsheets reader functions across different FileTypes
  • A trait to share spreadsheets reader functions across different FileTypes
  • Constructs a deserializer for a CellType.


  • A helper function to deserialize cell values as f64, useful when cells may also contain invalid values (i.e. strings). It applies the [as_f64] method to the cell value, and returns Ok(Some(value_as_f64)) if successful or Ok(None) if unsuccessful, therefore never failing. This function is intended to be used with Serde’s deserialize_with field attribute.
  • A helper function to deserialize cell values as f64, useful when cells may also contain invalid values (i.e. strings). It applies the [as_f64] method to the cell value, and returns Ok(Ok(value_as_f64)) if successful or Ok(Err(value_to_string)) if unsuccessful, therefore never failing. This function is intended to be used with Serde’s deserialize_with field attribute.
  • A helper function to deserialize cell values as i64, useful when cells may also contain invalid values (i.e. strings). It applies the [as_i64] method to the cell value, and returns Ok(Some(value_as_i64)) if successful or Ok(None) if unsuccessful, therefore never failing. This function is intended to be used with Serde’s deserialize_with field attribute.
  • A helper function to deserialize cell values as i64, useful when cells may also contain invalid values (i.e. strings). It applies the [as_i64] method to the cell value, and returns Ok(Ok(value_as_i64)) if successful or Ok(Err(value_to_string)) if unsuccessful, therefore never failing. This function is intended to be used with Serde’s deserialize_with field attribute.
  • Convenient function to open a file with a BufReader
  • Opens a workbook and define the file type at runtime.
  • Opens a workbook from the given bytes.
  • Convenient function to open a file with a BufReader