use crate::loom::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use crate::runtime::io::ScheduledIo;
use crate::util::linked_list::{self, LinkedList};
use std::io;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{Acquire, Release};
use std::sync::Arc;
pub(super) struct RegistrationSet {
num_pending_release: AtomicUsize,
pub(super) struct Synced {
// True when the I/O driver shutdown. At this point, no more registrations
// should be added to the set.
is_shutdown: bool,
// List of all registrations tracked by the set
registrations: LinkedList<Arc<ScheduledIo>, ScheduledIo>,
// Registrations that are pending drop. When a `Registration` is dropped, it
// stores its `ScheduledIo` in this list. The I/O driver is responsible for
// dropping it. This ensures the `ScheduledIo` is not freed while it can
// still be included in an I/O event.
pending_release: Vec<Arc<ScheduledIo>>,
impl RegistrationSet {
pub(super) fn new() -> (RegistrationSet, Synced) {
let set = RegistrationSet {
num_pending_release: AtomicUsize::new(0),
let synced = Synced {
is_shutdown: false,
registrations: LinkedList::new(),
pending_release: Vec::with_capacity(16),
(set, synced)
pub(super) fn is_shutdown(&self, synced: &Synced) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if there are registrations that need to be released
pub(super) fn needs_release(&self) -> bool {
self.num_pending_release.load(Acquire) != 0
pub(super) fn allocate(&self, synced: &mut Synced) -> io::Result<Arc<ScheduledIo>> {
if synced.is_shutdown {
return Err(io::Error::new(
let ret = Arc::new(ScheduledIo::default());
// Push a ref into the list of all resources.
// Returns `true` if the caller should unblock the I/O driver to purge
// registrations pending release.
pub(super) fn deregister(&self, synced: &mut Synced, registration: &Arc<ScheduledIo>) -> bool {
// Kind of arbitrary, but buffering 16 `ScheduledIo`s doesn't seem like much
const NOTIFY_AFTER: usize = 16;
let len = synced.pending_release.len();, Release);
pub(super) fn shutdown(&self, synced: &mut Synced) -> Vec<Arc<ScheduledIo>> {
if synced.is_shutdown {
return vec![];
synced.is_shutdown = true;
// Building a vec of all outstanding I/O handles could be expensive, but
// this is the shutdown operation. In theory, shutdowns should be
// "clean" with no outstanding I/O resources. Even if it is slow, we
// aren't optimizing for shutdown.
let mut ret = vec![];
while let Some(io) = synced.registrations.pop_back() {
pub(super) fn release(&self, synced: &mut Synced) {
let pending = std::mem::take(&mut synced.pending_release);
for io in pending {
// safety: the registration is part of our list
unsafe { self.remove(synced, &io) }
}, Release);
// This function is marked as unsafe, because the caller must make sure that
// `io` is part of the registration set.
pub(super) unsafe fn remove(&self, synced: &mut Synced, io: &Arc<ScheduledIo>) {
// SAFETY: Pointers into an Arc are never null.
let io = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(Arc::as_ptr(io).cast_mut()) };
let _ = synced.registrations.remove(io);
// Safety: `Arc` pins the inner data
unsafe impl linked_list::Link for Arc<ScheduledIo> {
type Handle = Arc<ScheduledIo>;
type Target = ScheduledIo;
fn as_raw(handle: &Self::Handle) -> NonNull<ScheduledIo> {
// safety: Arc::as_ptr never returns null
unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(Arc::as_ptr(handle) as *mut _) }
unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: NonNull<Self::Target>) -> Arc<ScheduledIo> {
// safety: the linked list currently owns a ref count
unsafe { Arc::from_raw(ptr.as_ptr() as *const _) }
unsafe fn pointers(
target: NonNull<Self::Target>,
) -> NonNull<linked_list::Pointers<ScheduledIo>> {