rdf_parser_error.rsuse iri_s::IriS;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::literal::Literal;
#[derive(Debug, Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum RDFParseError {
#[error("No focus node")]
#[error("Expected focus node to be boolean but found: {term}")]
ExpectedBoolean { term: String },
#[error("Expected focus node to be integer but found: {term}")]
ExpectedInteger { term: String },
#[error("Expected focus node to be string but found: {term}")]
ExpectedString { term: String },
#[error("Expected IRI or Literal value but obtained blank node: {bnode}")]
BlankNodeNoValue { bnode: String },
#[error("RDF Error: {err}")]
SRDFError { err: String },
#[error("Node {node} has no value for predicate {pred}")]
NoValuesPredicate { node: String, pred: String },
#[error("Node {node} has no value for predicate {pred}. Outgoing arcs: {outgoing_arcs}")]
NoValuesPredicateDebug {
node: String,
pred: String,
outgoing_arcs: String,
#[error("Node {node} has more than one value for predicate {pred}: {value1}, {value2}")]
MoreThanOneValuePredicate {
node: String,
pred: String,
value1: String,
value2: String,
#[error("No instances found for {object}")]
NoInstancesOf { object: String },
#[error("More than one instance of {object}: instance1: {value1}, instance2: {value2}")]
MoreThanOneInstanceOf {
object: String,
value1: String,
value2: String,
#[error("Expected node to act as subject: {node}")]
ExpectedSubject { node: String },
#[error("Error parsing RDF list. Value: {node} has already been visited")]
RecursiveRDFList { node: String },
#[error("Expected IRI, but found {term}")]
ExpectedIRI { term: String },
#[error("Expected IRI but found BNode {bnode}")]
ExpectedIRIFoundBNode { bnode: String },
#[error("Expected Literal, but found {term}")]
ExpectedLiteral { term: String },
#[error("Expected focus to act as subject, found {focus}")]
ExpectedFocusAsSubject { focus: String },
#[error("Unexpected Blank Node: {term}")]
UnexpectedBNode { term: String },
#[error("Expected IRI but found Literal {lit}")]
ExpectedIRIFoundLiteral { lit: Literal },
#[error("Condition {condition_name} failed for node {node}")]
NodeDoesntSatisfyCondition {
condition_name: String,
node: String,
#[error("Both branches of an OR parser failed. Error1: {err1}, Error2: {err2}")]
FailedOr {
err1: Box<RDFParseError>,
err2: Box<RDFParseError>,
#[error("Not parser failed because internal parser passed with value: {value}")]
FailedNot { value: String },
#[error("Error obtaining subjects whose value for property {property} is {value}: {err}")]
ErrorSubjectsPredicateObject {
property: String,
value: String,
err: String,
#[error("Error parsing by type. Unknown type: {iri_type}")]
UnknownType { iri_type: IriS },
Custom { msg: String },
#[error("Expected IRI for property {property} of node {focus}: {error}")]
PropertyValueExpectedIRI {
focus: String,
property: IriS,
error: String,