use std::{collections::HashMap, io, path::Path, str::FromStr};
use prefixmap::PrefixMap;
use thiserror::Error;
use iri_s::{IriS, IriSError};
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RdfDataConfig {
pub base: Option<IriS>,
pub endpoints: Option<HashMap<String, EndpointDescription>>,
pub automatic_base: Option<bool>,
impl RdfDataConfig {
pub fn new() -> RdfDataConfig {
RdfDataConfig {
base: None,
endpoints: None,
automatic_base: Some(true),
pub fn with_wikidata(mut self) -> Self {
let wikidata_name = "wikidata";
let wikidata_iri = "";
let wikidata =
match self.endpoints {
None => {
self.endpoints = Some(HashMap::from([(wikidata_name.to_string(), wikidata)]));
Some(ref mut map) => {
map.insert(wikidata_name.to_string(), wikidata);
pub fn from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<RdfDataConfig, RdfDataConfigError> {
let path_name = path.as_ref().display().to_string();
let f = std::fs::File::open(path).map_err(|e| RdfDataConfigError::ReadingConfigError {
path_name: path_name.clone(),
error: e,
let config: RdfDataConfig =
serde_yml::from_reader(f).map_err(|e| RdfDataConfigError::YamlError {
path_name: path_name.to_string(),
error: e,
pub fn find_endpoint(&self, str: &str) -> Option<&EndpointDescription> {
match &self.endpoints {
None => None,
Some(map) => match map.get(str) {
Some(ed) => Some(ed),
None => None,
impl Default for RdfDataConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct EndpointDescription {
query_url: IriS,
update_url: Option<IriS>,
prefixmap: PrefixMap,
impl EndpointDescription {
pub fn new_unchecked(str: &str) -> Self {
EndpointDescription {
query_url: IriS::new_unchecked(str),
update_url: None,
prefixmap: PrefixMap::new(),
pub fn query_url(&self) -> &IriS {
pub fn prefixmap(&self) -> &PrefixMap {
pub fn with_prefixmap(mut self, prefixmap: PrefixMap) -> Self {
self.prefixmap = prefixmap;
pub fn add_prefixmap(&mut self, prefixmap: PrefixMap) {
self.prefixmap = prefixmap;
impl FromStr for EndpointDescription {
type Err = IriSError;
fn from_str(query_url: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let iri = IriS::from_str(query_url)?;
Ok(EndpointDescription {
query_url: iri,
update_url: None,
prefixmap: PrefixMap::new(),
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum RdfDataConfigError {
#[error("Reading path {path_name:?} error: {error:?}")]
ReadingConfigError { path_name: String, error: io::Error },
#[error("Reading YAML from {path_name:?}. Error: {error:?}")]
YamlError {
path_name: String,
error: serde_yml::Error,
#[error("Converting to IRI the string {str}. Error: {error}")]
ConvertingIriEndpoint { error: String, str: String },