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//! Common traits for working with [SPARQL](
//! # Design rationale
//! These traits are deliberately very generic.
//! Specific implementations may have additional features, such as:
//! - setting default values for `BASE`, `PREFIX`, `FROM`, `FROM NAMED` directives,
//! before parsing query string, or
//! - pre-binding variables before evaluating query;
//! - etc...
//! However, we do not want to impose these feature, or any subset thereof,
//! to all implementations of Sophia.
//! # Extension point
//! A possible way to extend these traits with additional functionalities
//! (such as the ones described above)
//! would be to define subtraits of `Query` with additional methods
//! (*e.g.*`set_base`, `bind_variables`...).
//! Implementation could then express requirements as trait bound, e.g.:
//! ```ignore
//! D: SparqlDataset,
//! D::Query: Clone + BindVariable,
//! ```
//! Sophia may define such traits in the future.
use crate::source::TripleSource;
use crate::term::Term;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::error::Error;
/// A dataset that can be queried with SPARQL.
pub trait SparqlDataset {
/// The type of terms that SELECT queries will return.
type BindingsTerm: Term;
/// The type of bindings that SELECT queries will return.
type BindingsResult: SparqlBindings<Self>;
/// The type of triples that GRAPH and DESCRIBE queries will return.
type TriplesResult: TripleSource;
/// The type of errors that processing SPARQL queries may raise.
type SparqlError: Error + 'static;
/// The type representing pre-processed queries.
/// See [`prepare_query`](#tymethod.prepare_query) for more defail.
type Query: Query<Error = Self::SparqlError>;
/// Parse and immediately execute `query`.
/// `query` is usually either a `&str` that will be parsed on the fly,
/// or a `Self::Query` that was earlier prepared by the [`prepare_query`] method.
/// [`prepare_query`]: #method.prepared
fn query<Q>(&self, query: Q) -> Result<SparqlResult<Self>, Self::SparqlError>
Q: IntoQuery<Self::Query>;
/// Prepare a query for multiple future executions.
/// This allows some implementation to separate parsing,
/// (or any other pre-processing step)
/// of the query string from the actual exectution of the query.
/// There is however no guarantee on how much pre-processing is actually done by this method
/// (see below).
/// # Note to implementers
/// If it is impossible or inconvenient to provide a type for pre-parsed queries,
/// you can still use `String`, which implements the [`Query`] trait.
fn prepare_query(&self, query_string: &str) -> Result<Self::Query, Self::SparqlError> {
/// Preprocessed query, ready for execution.
/// This trait exist to allow *some* implementations of [`SparqlDataset`]
/// to mutualize the parsing of queries in the
/// [`prepare_query`](SparqlDataset::prepare_query) method.
pub trait Query: Sized {
/// The error type that might be raised when parsing a query.
type Error: Error + 'static;
/// Parse the given text into a [`Query`].
fn parse(query_source: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;
impl Query for String {
type Error = std::convert::Infallible;
fn parse(query_source: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
/// A utility trait to allow [`SparqlDataset::query`]
/// to accept either `&str` or [`Self::Query`](SparqlDataset::Query).
pub trait IntoQuery<Q: Query> {
/// The ouput type of [`into_query`](IntoQuery::into_query).
type Out: Borrow<Q>;
/// Convert `self` to a [`Query`].
fn into_query(self) -> Result<Self::Out, Q::Error>;
impl<'a, Q> IntoQuery<Q> for &'a Q
Q: Query,
type Out = &'a Q;
fn into_query(self) -> Result<Self::Out, Q::Error> {
impl<'a, Q> IntoQuery<Q> for &'a str
Q: Query,
type Out = Q;
fn into_query(self) -> Result<Self::Out, Q::Error> {
/// The result of executing a SPARQL query.
pub enum SparqlResult<T>
T: SparqlDataset + ?Sized,
/// The result of a SELECT query
/// The result of an ASK query
/// The result of a CONSTRUCT or DESCRIBE query
impl<T> SparqlResult<T>
T: SparqlDataset + ?Sized,
/// Get this result as a `Bindings`.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if `self` is actually of another kind.
pub fn into_bindings(self) -> T::BindingsResult {
match self {
SparqlResult::Bindings(b) => b,
_ => panic!("This SparqlResult is not a Bindings"),
/// Get this result as a `Boolean`.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if `self` is actually of another kind.
pub fn into_boolean(self) -> bool {
match self {
SparqlResult::Boolean(b) => b,
_ => panic!("This SparqlResult is not a Boolean"),
/// Get this result as a `Triples`.
/// # Panics
/// This will panic if `self` is actually of another kind.
pub fn into_triples(self) -> T::TriplesResult {
match self {
SparqlResult::Triples(t) => t,
_ => panic!("This SparqlResult is not a Triples"),
/// The result of executing a SPARQL SELECT query
pub trait SparqlBindings<D>:
IntoIterator<Item = Result<Vec<Option<D::BindingsTerm>>, D::SparqlError>>
D: SparqlDataset + ?Sized,
/// Return the list of SELECTed variable names
fn variables(&self) -> Vec<&str>;