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//! API for serializing RDF syntaxes.
//! This module specifies, through dedicated traits,
//! how serialization of triples/graphs and quads/dataset is handled in sophia.
//! These traits are designed with the idea that each serializer has a specific
//! “target” (typically a file or something similar)
//! associated to it.
//! If you want to serialize to two different files,
//! you must create two different serializers.
//! Note however that this API does not cover the creation of serializers,
//! and therefore does not cover how their target is specified.
use crate::dataset::*;
use crate::graph::*;
use crate::source::*;
/// A triple serializer writes triples according to a given format.
pub trait TripleSerializer {
/// The error type that may be raised during serialization.
type Error: 'static + std::error::Error;
/// Serialize all triples from the given [`TripleSource`].
fn serialize_triples<TS>(
&mut self,
source: TS,
) -> StreamResult<&mut Self, TS::Error, Self::Error>
TS: TripleSource,
Self: Sized;
/// Serialize a whole [`Graph`].
/// While this method has a default implementation based on
/// [`serialize_triples`](Self::serialize_triples),
/// some implementations may override it in order to better use the structure of the Graph.
fn serialize_graph<G>(&mut self, graph: &G) -> StreamResult<&mut Self, G::Error, Self::Error>
G: Graph,
Self: Sized,
self.serialize_triples(&mut graph.triples())
/// A quad serializer writes quads according to a given format.
pub trait QuadSerializer {
/// The error type that may be raised during serialization.
type Error: 'static + std::error::Error;
/// Serialize all quads from the given [`QuadSource`].
fn serialize_quads<QS>(
&mut self,
source: QS,
) -> StreamResult<&mut Self, QS::Error, Self::Error>
QS: QuadSource,
Self: Sized;
/// Serialize a whole [`Dataset`].
/// While this method has a default implementation based on
/// [`serialize_quads`](Self::serialize_quads),
/// some implementations may override it in order to better use the structure of the Dataset.
fn serialize_dataset<D>(
&mut self,
dataset: &D,
) -> StreamResult<&mut Self, D::Error, Self::Error>
D: Dataset,
Self: Sized,
self.serialize_quads(&mut dataset.quads())
/// A stringifier is special kind of [`TripleSerializer`] or [`QuadSerializer`]:
/// + it uses a text-based format encoded in UTF8;
/// + it stores the serialize data in memory;
/// + it gives access to the serialized data as `str` or `String`.
/// [`TripleSerializer`]: trait.TripleSerializer.html
/// [`QuadSerializer`]: trait.QuadSerializer.html
pub trait Stringifier {
/// Borrows the internal serialized data.
/// # Note to implementers
/// It is the responsibility of implementors to ensure that this data is valid UTF8.
/// The methods [`as_str`](#method.as_str) and
/// [`to_string`](#method.to_string) rely on this.
fn as_utf8(&self) -> &[u8];
/// Borrows the internal serialized data as a `str`.
fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(self.as_utf8()) }
/// Copy the internal serialized data to a `String`.
fn to_string(&self) -> String {