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/// Create a "namespace module"
/// defining a set of terms within a given IRI space.
/// # Tests
/// This macro also create a test module to check that all created IRIs are valid.
/// This allows to skip those checks at runtime, keeping the initialization of the namespace fast.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate sophia_api;
/// # use sophia_iri::IriRef;
/// /// An example namespace module
/// pub mod ex {
/// namespace! {
/// "",
/// Foo,
/// Bar,
/// Baz
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(ex::Foo, IriRef::new_unchecked(""));
/// assert_eq!(ex::Bar, IriRef::new_unchecked(""));
/// ```
macro_rules! namespace {
($iri_prefix:expr, $($suffix:ident),*; $($r_id:ident, $r_sf:expr),*) => {
/// Prefix used in this namespace.
pub static PREFIX: $crate::ns::IriRef<&'static str> = $crate::ns::IriRef::new_unchecked_const($iri_prefix);
$crate::ns_iri!(PREFIX, $suffix);
$crate::ns_iri!(PREFIX, $r_id, $r_sf);
/// Test module for checking tha IRIs are valid
mod test_valid_iri {
fn $suffix() {
let iri = $crate::ns::NsTerm::new_unchecked(
fn $r_id() {
let iri = $crate::ns::NsTerm::new_unchecked(
($iri_prefix:expr, $($suffix:ident),*) => {
namespace!($iri_prefix, $($suffix),*;);
/// Create a term in a "namespace module".
/// In general, you should use the [`namespace!`](macro.namespace.html) macro instead.
/// # Safety
/// This macro is conceptually unsafe,
/// as it is never checked that the prefix IRI is a valid IRI reference.
macro_rules! ns_iri {
($prefix:expr, $ident:ident) => {
$crate::ns_iri!($prefix, $ident, stringify!($ident));
($prefix:expr, $ident:ident, $suffix:expr) => {
/// Generated term.
pub static $ident: $crate::ns::NsTerm = $crate::ns::NsTerm::new_unchecked($prefix, $suffix);