schema_without_imports_error.rsuse iri_s::{IriS, IriSError};
use shex_ast::{ShapeExpr, ShapeExprLabel};
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum SchemaWithoutImportsError {
#[error("Obtaining schema from IRI {iri}. Tried to parse this list of formats: {formats} but they failed")]
SchemaFromIriRotatingFormats { iri: IriS, formats: String },
#[error("Dereferencing IRI {iri}. Error: {error}")]
DereferencingIri { iri: IriS, error: String },
#[error("ShExC error {error}. String: {content}")]
ShExCError { error: String, content: String },
#[error("ShExJ error at IRI: {iri}. Error: {error}")]
ShExJError { iri: IriS, error: String },
#[error("Duplicated declaration for shape expr with label {label}\nPrevious shape expr from {imported_from:?}\n{old_shape_expr:?}\nShape Expr2 {shape_expr2:?}")]
DuplicatedShapeDecl {
label: ShapeExprLabel,
old_shape_expr: Box<ShapeExpr>,
imported_from: IriS,
shape_expr2: Box<ShapeExpr>,
#[error("Resolving string: {str} as IRI with base: {base}")]
ResolvingStrIri {
str: String,
base: Box<IriS>,
error: Box<IriSError>,