compiled_schema_error.rsuse iri_s::IriSError;
use prefixmap::{IriRef, PrefixMapError};
use srdf::lang::Lang;
use thiserror::Error;
use super::shape_label::ShapeLabel;
use crate::ast::TripleExprLabel;
use crate::{ast, Node};
use srdf::numeric_literal::NumericLiteral;
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum CompiledSchemaError {
#[error("Parsing {str:?} as IRI")]
Str2IriError { str: String },
#[error("Parsing {str} as IRI: {err:?}")]
IriParseError { str: String, err: IriSError },
#[error("SchemaJson Error")]
SchemaJsonError(#[from] ast::SchemaJsonError),
#[error("Duplicated triple expression label in schema: {label:?}")]
DuplicatedTripleExprLabel { label: TripleExprLabel },
#[error("Converting min value {min} must be positive")]
MinLessZero { min: i32 },
#[error("Converting max value {max} must be > -1")]
MaxIncorrect { max: i32 },
#[error("NodeKind IRI but found {node}")]
NodeKindIri { node: Node },
#[error("NodeKind BNode but found {node}")]
NodeKindBNode { node: Node },
#[error("NodeKind Literal but found {node}")]
NodeKindLiteral { node: Node },
#[error("NodeKind NonLiteral but found {node}")]
NodeKindNonLiteral { node: Node },
#[error("Datatype expected {expected} but found {found} for literal with lexical form {lexical_form}")]
DatatypeDontMatch {
found: IriRef,
expected: IriRef,
lexical_form: String,
#[error("Datatype expected {expected} but found no literal {node}")]
DatatypeNoLiteral { expected: IriRef, node: Node },
#[error("Datatype expected {expected} but found String literal {lexical_form}")]
DatatypeDontMatchString {
expected: IriRef,
lexical_form: String,
#[error("Datatype expected {expected} but found String literal {lexical_form}")]
DatatypeDontMatchLangString {
expected: IriRef,
lexical_form: String,
lang: Lang,
#[error("Length of {node} = {found} doesn't match {expected}")]
LengthError {
expected: usize,
found: usize,
node: String,
#[error("MinLength of {node} = {found} doesn't match {expected}")]
MinLengthError {
expected: usize,
found: usize,
node: String,
#[error("MaxLength of {node} = {found} doesn't match {expected}")]
MaxLengthError {
expected: usize,
found: usize,
node: String,
#[error("NumericValue of {node} = {found} doesn't match minInclusive of {expected}")]
MinInclusiveError {
expected: NumericLiteral,
found: NumericLiteral,
node: String,
#[error("Node {node} is not a numeric literal")]
NonNumeric { node: String },
#[error("Shape label not found {shape_label}")]
ShapeLabelNotFound { shape_label: ShapeLabel },
#[error("Not implemented yet: {msg}")]
Todo { msg: String },
#[error("Can't convert prefixed name {prefix}:{local} to shape label")]
IriRef2ShapeLabelError { prefix: String, local: String },
#[error("Can't find prefixed name {prefix}:{local} in prefixmap: {err}")]
PrefixedNotFound {
prefix: String,
local: String,
err: Box<PrefixMapError>,
#[error("Label not found: {shape_label}")]
LabelNotFound { shape_label: ShapeLabel },
#[error("Internal: {msg}")]
Internal { msg: String },