helper_error.rsuse srdf::SRDFGraphError;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum SPARQLError {
#[error("Query could not be performed")]
Query { query: String, error: String },
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum SRDFError {
#[error("Error during the SRDF operation")]
Srdf { error: String },
#[error("Error during the creation of the SRDFGraph")]
SRDFGraph(#[from] SRDFGraphError),
#[error("Converting term {subject} to subject")]
SRDFTermAsSubject { subject: String },
#[error("Error finding values for subject {subject} with predicate {predicate}: {error}")]
ObjectsWithSubjectPredicate {
subject: String,
predicate: String,
error: String,
#[error("Error finding values for object {object} with predicate {predicate}: {error}")]
SubjectsWithPredicateObject {
object: String,
predicate: String,
error: String,