shacl_parser_error.rsuse crate::ShaclError;
use srdf::RDFParseError;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum ShaclParserError {
#[error("RDF parse error: {err}")]
RDFParseError {
err: RDFParseError,
#[error("Expected RDFNode parsing node shape, found: {term}")]
ExpectedRDFNodeNodeShape { term: String },
#[error("Expected Value of `sh:or` to be a subject, found: {term}")]
OrValueNoSubject { term: String },
#[error("Expected Value of `sh:and` to be a subject, found: {term}")]
AndValueNoSubject { term: String },
#[error("Expected Value of `sh:xone` to be a subject, found: {term}")]
XOneValueNoSubject { term: String },
#[error("Expected NodeKind, found: {term}")]
ExpectedNodeKind { term: String },
#[error("Unknown NodeKind, found: {term}")]
UnknownNodeKind { term: String },
#[error("SHACL error: {err}")]
ShaclError {
err: ShaclError,
#[error("Custom error: {msg}")]
Custom { msg: String },