use std::io;
use iri_s::IriS;
use shacl_ast::Schema;
use srdf::SRDFSparql;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum RudofError {
#[error("Error reading config file from path {path}: {error}")]
RudofConfigFromPathError { path: String, error: io::Error },
#[error("Error reading config file from path {path}: {error}")]
RudofConfigYamlError {
path: String,
error: serde_yml::Error,
#[error("Error running query {str}: {error}")]
QueryError { str: String, error: String },
#[error("Storage error: {error}")]
StorageError { error: String },
#[error("Error parsing IRI from {str}: {error}")]
BaseIriError { str: String, error: String },
#[error("ShEx compact parser error: {error}")]
ShExCParserError { error: String },
#[error("ShEx JSON parser error: {error}")]
ShExJParserError { error: String },
#[error("Compiling schema error: {error}")]
CompilingSchemaError { error: String },
#[error("ShEx Validator undefined. Before trying to validate with ShEx, a ShEx validator must be initialized in rudof")]
ShExValidatorUndefined {},
"ShEx validation error. Query map: {query_map}\nSchema:\n{schema}\nData:\n{rdf_data}\nError: {error} "
ShExValidatorError {
schema: String,
rdf_data: String,
query_map: String,
error: String,
#[error("ShEx validation error. Error: {error} ")]
ShExValidatorObtainingResultMapError {
schema: String,
rdf_data: String,
shapemap: String,
error: String,
#[error("Error merging current RDF data, format: {format}, base: {base}, reader_mode: {reader_mode}: {error} ")]
MergeRDFDataFromReader {
format: String,
base: String,
reader_mode: String,
error: String,
#[error("Utf8 error: {error} ")]
Utf8Error { error: String },
#[error("Shapemap parse error on str: {str}: {error}")]
ShapeMapParseError { str: String, error: String },
#[error("Read error: {error} ")]
ReadError { error: String },
#[error("AddingEndpoint: {iri} ")]
AddingEndpointError { iri: IriS, error: String },
#[error("Validating shex requires to initialize a shapemap or a node/shape pair")]
NoShapeMap { schema: String },
#[error("Rsolving imports in ShEx schema: {error}")]
ResolvingImportsShExSchema { error: String },
#[error("Attempt to resolve import declarations without defining ShEx schema")]
#[error("Internal SHACL Format is not readable. Only for output")]
#[error("SHACL Parser error: {error}")]
SHACLParseError { error: String },
#[error("SHACL Compilation from schema {schema} error: {error}")]
SHACLCompilationError { error: String, schema: Box<Schema> },
#[error("SHACL Validation from schema {schema} error: {error}")]
SHACLValidationError { error: String, schema: Box<Schema> },
#[error("Creating Endpoint validation for SHACL from endpoint {endpoint:?}. error: {error}")]
SHACLEndpointValidationCreation { error: String, endpoint: SRDFSparql },
#[error("Parsing RDF data error: {error}")]
ParsingRDFDataReader { error: String },
#[error("No graph and no first endpoint to validate SHACL")]
#[error("No SHACL schema defined")]
#[error("Cannot serialize current ShEx schema because it has not been defined")]
#[error("No DCTAP defined")]
#[error("ShEx2UML: No ShEx schema")]
#[error("ShEx2PlantUML Error: {error}")]
ShEx2PlantUmlError { error: String },
#[error("ShEx2PlantUML Error when generating PlantUML: {error}")]
ShEx2PlantUmlErrorAsPlantUML { error: String },
#[error("Reading ShEx Schema from path: {path}: {error}")]
ReadingShExPath { path: String, error: String },
#[error("Error formatting schema {schema}: {error}")]
ErrorFormattingSchema { schema: String, error: String },
#[error("Error formatting shapemap {shapemap}: {error}")]
ErrorFormattingShapeMap { shapemap: String, error: String },
#[error("Error formatting schema: {error}")]
ErrorWritingShExJson { schema: String, error: String },
#[error("Not implemented yet: {msg}")]
NotImplemented { msg: String },
#[error("Cannot serialize current ShapeMap because it has not been defined")]
#[error("Cannot serialize current SHACL because it has not been defined")]
#[error("Converting SHACLFormat with value Internal to RDFFormat")]
#[error("Serializing SHACL to internal representation: {error}")]
SerializingSHACLInternal { error: String },
#[error("Writing SHACL {shacl}: {error}")]
WritingSHACL { shacl: String, error: String },
#[error("Serializing SHACL {shacl}: {error}")]
SerializingSHACL { shacl: String, error: String },
#[error("Serializing ShEx: {error}")]
SerializingShEx { error: String },
#[error("Serializing RDF data: {error}")]
SerializingData { error: String },
#[error("Serializing ShEx: {error}")]
SerializingShacl { error: String },
#[error("DCTAP reader from path {path} in CSV format: {error}")]
DCTAPReaderCSV { error: String, path: String },
#[error("DCTAP reader from path {path}: {error}")]
ReadingDCTAPPath { error: String, path: String },
#[error("DCTAP reader in CSV format: {error}")]
DCTAPReaderCSVReader { error: String },
#[error("DCTAP reader from path {path} in CSV format: {error}")]
DCTAPReaderPathXLS {
error: String,
path: String,
format: String,
#[error("Reading DCTAP from XLS format requires a Path, use read_dctap_path")]
#[error("Error converting DCTAP to ShEx")]
DCTap2ShEx { error: String },