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html_logo_url = "",
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//! Core and common implementation for the semantic web language server.
//! Proivdes the backbone for the [semantic web lsp binary](../lsp_bin/index.html) and [semantic web
//! lsp wasm](../lsp_web/index.html).
//! With the language server protocol, each different request is handled by an ECS schedule,
//! combining different systems together.
//! A system can generate new data and attach it to an entity, a document, or use this data to
//! respond to requests.
//! Language specific implementations that handle things like tokenizing and parsing are
//! implemented in separate crates. The binary currently supports [Turtle](../lang_turtle/index.html), [JSON-LD](../lang_jsonld/index.html) and [SPARQL](../lang_sparql/index.html).
//! The goal is that each language at least generates [`Tokens`], [`Triples`] and
//! [`Prefixes`].
//! These components are then used to derive properties for autcompletion but also derive
//! [`TokenComponent`] and [`TripleComponent`] enabling completion.
//! The different schedules can be found at [`prelude::feature`].
//! ## Example add completion for all subjects that start with `a`
//! ```
//! use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
//! use lsp_core::prelude::*;
//! # use sophia_api::dataset::Dataset;
//! # use sophia_api::prelude::Quad;
//! // Define the extra data struct
//! #[derive(Component)]
//! struct MyCompletions {
//! subjects: Vec<String>,
//! }
//! // Define the generating system
//! // Don't forget to add it to the ecs later
//! fn generate_my_completion(
//! // Only derive the completions when the document is parsed fully, aka is not Dirty
//! query: Query<(Entity, &Triples), (Changed<Triples>, Without<Dirty>)>,
//! mut commands: Commands,
//! ) {
//! for (e, triples) in &query {
//! let mut subjects = Vec::new();
//! for q in triples.quads().flatten() {
//! if q.s().as_str().starts_with('a') {
//! subjects.push(q.s().as_str().to_string());
//! }
//! }
//! commands.entity(e).insert(MyCompletions { subjects });
//! }
//! }
//! // Define a system that adds these completions to the completion request
//! fn complete_my_completion(
//! mut query: Query<(
//! &TokenComponent, &TripleComponent, &MyCompletions, &mut CompletionRequest
//! )>,
//! ) {
//! for (token, this_triple, completions, mut request) in &mut query {
//! if == TripleTarget::Subject {
//! for my_completion in &completions.subjects {
//! request.push(
//! SimpleCompletion::new(
//! lsp_types::CompletionItemKind::FIELD,
//! my_completion.clone(),
//! lsp_types::TextEdit {
//! range: token.range.clone(),
//! new_text: my_completion.clone(),
//! }
//! )
//! )
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! Note that [`Prefixes`] can help expand and shorten iri's in a document.
use bevy_ecs::{prelude::*, schedule::ScheduleLabel};
use prelude::SemanticTokensDict;
use systems::{init_onology_extractor, OntologyExtractor};
use crate::prelude::*;
/// Main language tower_lsp server implementation.
/// [`Backend`](struct@backend::Backend) implements [`LanguageServer`](tower_lsp::LanguageServer).
/// Each incoming request a schedule is ran on the main [`World`].
pub mod backend;
/// Handle platform specific implementations for fetching and spawning tasks.
pub mod client;
/// Common utils
/// Includes range transformations between [`std::ops::Range`] and [`lsp_types::Range`].
/// And commonly used [`Spanned`].
pub mod util;
/// Defines all common [`Component`]s and [`Resource`]s
/// In this [`World`], [Entity]s are documents and [`Components`](`Component`) are derived from these documents.
/// Different [`System`]s derive new [`Components`](`Component`) from existing [`Components`](`Component`), that are added to
/// the [`Entity`].
/// For example, if [`Triples`] are defined, [systems::derive_classes] will
/// derive [`DefinedClass`](struct@systems::DefinedClass) from them and add them to the [`Entity`].
pub mod components;
/// Hosts all common features of the semantic language server.
pub mod feature;
/// Defines common language traits
pub mod lang;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod systems;
/// Initializes a [`World`], including [`Resources`](`Resource`) and [`Schedules`].
/// All systems defined in [`crate`] are added to the [`World`].
pub fn setup_schedule_labels<C: Client + Resource>(world: &mut World) {
let mut schedule = Schedule::new(Startup);
/// Event triggers when a document is opened
/// Example
/// ```rust
/// # use lsp_core::components::DynLang;
/// # use lsp_core::CreateEvent;
/// # use lsp_core::lang::LangHelper;
/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::{Commands, Trigger, World, Component};
/// #[derive(Component)]
/// pub struct TurtleLang;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// pub struct TurtleHelper;
/// impl LangHelper for TurtleHelper {
/// fn keyword(&self) -> &[&'static str] {
/// &[
/// "@prefix",
/// "@base",
/// "a",
/// ]
/// }
/// }
/// let mut world = World::new();
/// // This example tells the ECS system that the document is Turtle,
/// // adding Turtle specific components
/// world.observe(|trigger: Trigger<CreateEvent>, mut commands: Commands| {
/// match &trigger.event().language_id {
/// Some(x) if x == "turtle" => {
/// commands
/// .entity(trigger.entity())
/// .insert((TurtleLang, DynLang(Box::new(TurtleHelper))));
/// return;
/// }
/// _ => {}
/// }
/// if trigger.event().url.as_str().ends_with(".ttl") {
/// commands
/// .entity(trigger.entity())
/// .insert((TurtleLang, DynLang(Box::new(TurtleHelper))));
/// return;
/// }
/// });
/// ```
pub struct CreateEvent {
pub url: lsp_types::Url,
pub language_id: Option<String>,
/// [`ScheduleLabel`] related to the Tasks schedule
/// This schedule is used for async tasks, things that should be done at some point.
/// For example [`systems::handle_tasks`] spawns command queues sent with
/// [`CommandSender`]
#[derive(ScheduleLabel, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct Tasks;
#[derive(ScheduleLabel, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct Startup;