use bevy_ecs::{component::Component, schedule::ScheduleLabel, world::World};
use derive_more::{AsMut, AsRef, Deref, DerefMut};
/// [`Component`] indicating that the current document is currently handling a Inlay request.
#[derive(Component, AsRef, Deref, AsMut, DerefMut, Debug)]
pub struct InlayRequest(pub Option<Vec<lsp_types::InlayHint>>);
/// [`ScheduleLabel`] related to the Inlay schedule
#[derive(ScheduleLabel, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct Label;
pub fn setup_schedule(world: &mut World) {
let inlay = bevy_ecs::schedule::Schedule::new(Label);
// inlay.add_systems(inlay_triples);