use thiserror::Error;
use crate::IriS;
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum IriSError {
#[error("Error parsing {str} as IRI: {err}")]
IriParseError { str: String, err: String },
#[error("Parsing {str} using base: {base} as IRI. Error: {error}")]
IriParseErrorWithBase {
str: String,
base: String,
error: String,
#[error("Error resolving IRI `{other}` with base IRI `{base}`: {err}")]
IriResolveError {
err: Box<String>,
base: Box<IriS>,
other: Box<IriS>,
#[error("Error joining IRI `{current}` with `{str}`: {err}")]
JoinError {
err: Box<String>,
current: Box<IriS>,
str: Box<String>,
#[error("Creating reqwest http client: {error}")]
ReqwestClientCreation { error: String },
#[error("Parsing Iri {str} as Url. Error: {error}")]
UrlParseError { str: String, error: String },
#[error("Http request error: {error}")]
ReqwestError { error: String },
#[error("Http request error as String: {error}")]
ReqwestTextError { error: String },
#[error("trying to obtain a path from file scheme Url: {url}")]
ConvertingFileUrlToPath { url: String },
#[error("Error reading from file {path} obtained from url {url}. Error: {error}")]
IOErrorFile {
path: String,
url: String,
error: String,