use std::{io, result};
use calamine::XlsxError;
use csv::{Position, StringRecord};
use thiserror::Error;
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, TapError>;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum TapError {
#[error("Empty node type at line: {}, Record: {}", pos.line(), pos.record())]
EmptyNodeType { pos: Position },
#[error("Unexpected node type: {str}. Line: {}, Record: {}", pos.line(), pos.record())]
UnexpectedNodeType { str: String, pos: Position },
#[error("Unexpected value constraint type: {value}. Line: {}, Record: {}", pos.line(), pos.record())]
UnexpectedValueConstraintType { value: String, pos: Position },
#[error("CSV Error: {err}")]
CSVError {
err: csv::Error,
#[error("Cannot obtain shape id with index {shape_id} from record {record:?}")]
NoShapeId {
shape_id: usize,
record: StringRecord,
"Value of field {field} is {value} and should be boolean. Line: {}. Record: {}",
ShouldBeBoolean {
field: String,
value: String,
pos: Position,
#[error("Error reading config file from path {path}: {error}")]
TapConfigFromPathError { path: String, error: io::Error },
#[error("Error reading config file from path {path}: {error}")]
TapConfigYamlError {
path: String,
error: serde_yml::Error,
#[error("Reading Excel file from {path}: {error}")]
ReadingExcelError { path: String, error: io::Error },
XlsxError {
error: XlsxError,
#[error("No headers found in Excel file: {path}")]
NoHeadersExcel { path: String },
#[error("Cannot open work_book {path}: {error}")]
OpeningWorkbook { path: String, error: XlsxError },
#[error("Sheet not found in {path} when looking for first sheet")]
Sheet0NotFound { path: String },
#[error("Error obtaining sheet 0 from {path}. Error: {error}")]
Sheet0Error { path: String, error: XlsxError },
#[error("Error processing sheet {sheet_name} from {path}. Error: {error}")]
SheetNameError {
path: String,
sheet_name: String,
error: XlsxError,