
Module source

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A source yields items, and may also fail in the process. This module provides two specialized kinds of source: TripleSource and QuadSource.

These traits provides an API similar to (a subset of) the Iterator API, with methods such as for_each_triple and try_for_each_triple (resp. ’for_each_quad and try_for_each_quad).

§Rationale (or Why not simply use Iterator?)

The Iterator trait is designed in such a way that items must live at least as long as the iterator itself. This assumption may be too strong in some situations.

For example, consider a parser using 3 buffers to store the subject, predicate, and object of the triples it parses. Each time it extracts a triple from the data, it yields it (as 3 references to its internal buffers) to the closure passed to for_each_triple. Then, it reuses the buffers to store the data for the next triple, and yields the new triple, as 3 references to the same buffers.

Such a parser can not implement Iterator, because, once yielded by the iterator’s next method, an item is free to live during further iterations. In particular, it can be stored in a collection, and still be alive when the next method is called again (consider for example the Iterator::collect method).

Because many parsers (as well as other triple/quad sources) will be implemented in a manner similar to that described above, we have to provide a trait with weaker assumptions on the lifetime of the yielded triples.

The alternative would be to wrap such parsers with a layer that would copy the data from internal buffers to fresh buffers for each triples, but we do not want to impose that cost on all implementations — especially when many consumers will be happy with short-lived references.

§Why not implement a single trait Source?

A cleaner design would have been to have a single trait Source, with generic method names such as for_each_item.

This proved hard to use in practice, because restricting the type of items requires higher-rank trait bounds, and these bounds would have to be repeated anywhere the specialized trait is required.

The choice was therefore to favor ease of use over purity and maintainability.




  • A error that is raised by functions that move fallible Sources into fallible Sinks.


Type Aliases§