
Module component



  • sh:and specifies the condition that each value node conforms to all provided shapes. This is comparable to conjunction and the logical “and” operator.
  • The condition specified by sh:class is that each value node is a SHACL instance of a given type.
  • Closed Constraint Component.
  • sh:datatype specifies a condition to be satisfied with regards to the datatype of each value node.
  • sh:disjoint specifies the condition that the set of value nodes is disjoint with the set of objects of the triples that have the focus node as subject and the value of sh:disjoint as predicate.
  • sh:equals specifies the condition that the set of all value nodes is equal to the set of objects of the triples that have the focus node as subject and the value of sh:equals as predicate.
  • sh:hasValue specifies the condition that at least one value node is equal to the given RDF term.
  • sh:in specifies the condition that each value node is a member of a provided SHACL list.
  • The condition specified by sh:languageIn is that the allowed language tags for each value node are limited by a given list of language tags.
  • sh:lessThan specifies the condition that each value node is smaller than all the objects of the triples that have the focus node as subject and the value of sh:lessThan as predicate.
  • LessThanOrEquals Constraint Component.
  • sh:maxCount specifies the maximum number of value nodes that satisfy the condition.
  • sh:maxLength specifies the maximum string length of each value node that satisfies the condition. This can be applied to any literals and IRIs, but not to blank nodes.
  • sh:minCount specifies the minimum number of value nodes that satisfy the condition. If the minimum cardinality value is 0 then this constraint is always satisfied and so may be omitted.
  • sh:minLength specifies the minimum string length of each value node that satisfies the condition. This can be applied to any literals and IRIs, but not to blank nodes.
  • sh:node specifies the condition that each value node conforms to the given node shape.
  • sh:nodeKind specifies a condition to be satisfied by the RDF node kind of each value node.
  • sh:not specifies the condition that each value node cannot conform to a given shape. This is comparable to negation and the logical “not” operator.
  • sh:or specifies the condition that each value node conforms to at least one of the provided shapes. This is comparable to disjunction and the logical “or” operator.
  • sh:property can be used to specify that each value node has a given property shape.
  • QualifiedValueShape Constraint Component.
  • The property sh:uniqueLang can be set to true to specify that no pair of value nodes may use the same language tag.
  • sh:or specifies the condition that each value node conforms to at least one of the provided shapes. This is comparable to disjunction and the logical “or” operator.
