
Attribute Macro serde_as

Expand description

Convenience macro to use the serde_as system.

The serde_as system is designed as a more flexible alternative to serde’s with annotation. The #[serde_as] attribute must be placed before the #[derive] attribute. Each field of a struct or enum can be annotated with #[serde_as(...)] to specify which transformations should be applied. serde_as is not supported on enum variants. This is in contrast to #[serde(with = "...")].


use serde_with::{serde_as, DisplayFromStr, Map};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Data {
    /// Serialize into number
    #[serde_as(as = "_")]
    a: u32,

    /// Serialize into String
    #[serde_as(as = "DisplayFromStr")]
    b: u32,

    /// Serialize into a map from String to String
    #[serde_as(as = "Map<DisplayFromStr, _>")]
    c: Vec<(u32, String)>,

§Alternative path to serde_with crate

If serde_with is not available at the default path, its path should be specified with the crate argument. See re-exporting serde_as for more use case information.

#[serde_as(crate = "::some_other_lib::serde_with")]
struct Data {
    #[serde_as(as = "_")]
    a: u32,

§What this macro does

The serde_as macro only serves a convenience function. All the steps it performs, can easily be done manually, in case the cost of an attribute macro is deemed too high. The functionality can best be described with an example.

struct Foo {
    #[serde_as(as = "Vec<_>")]
    bar: Vec<u32>,

    #[serde_as(as = "Option<DisplayFromStr>")]
    baz: Option<u32>,
  1. All the placeholder type _ will be replaced with ::serde_with::Same. The placeholder type _ marks all the places where the type’s Serialize implementation should be used. In the example, it means that the u32 values will serialize with the Serialize implementation of u32. The Same type implements SerializeAs whenever the underlying type implements Serialize and is used to make the two traits compatible.

    If you specify a custom path for serde_with via the crate attribute, the path to the Same type will be altered accordingly.

  2. Wrap the type from the annotation inside a ::serde_with::As. In the above example we now have something like ::serde_with::As::<Vec<::serde_with::Same>>. The As type acts as the opposite of the Same type. It allows using a SerializeAs type whenever a Serialize is required.

  3. Translate the *as attributes into the serde equivalent ones. #[serde_as(as = ...)] will become #[serde(with = ...)]. Similarly, serialize_as is translated to serialize_with.

    The field attributes will be kept on the struct/enum such that other macros can use them too.

  4. It searches #[serde_as(as = ...)] if there is a type named BorrowCow under any path. If BorrowCow is found, the attribute #[serde(borrow)] is added to the field. If #[serde(borrow)] or #[serde(borrow = "...")] is already present, this step will be skipped.

  5. Restore the ability of accepting missing fields if both the field and the transformation are Option.

    An Option is detected by an exact text match. Renaming an import or type aliases can cause confusion here. The following variants are supported.

    • Option
    • std::option::Option, with or without leading ::
    • core::option::Option, with or without leading ::

    If the field is of type Option<T> and the attribute #[serde_as(as = "Option<S>")] (also deserialize_as; for any T/S) then #[serde(default)] is applied to the field.

    This restores the ability of accepting missing fields, which otherwise often leads to confusing serde_with#185. #[serde(default)] is not applied, if it already exists. It only triggers if both field and transformation are Options. For example, using #[serde_as(as = "NoneAsEmptyString")] on Option<String> will not see any change.

    If the automatically applied attribute is undesired, the behavior can be suppressed by adding #[serde_as(no_default)].

    This can be combined like #[serde_as(as = "Option<S>", no_default)].

After all these steps, the code snippet will have transformed into roughly this.

struct Foo {
    #[serde_as(as = "Vec<_>")]
    #[serde(with = "::serde_with::As::<Vec<::serde_with::Same>>")]
    bar: Vec<u32>,

    #[serde_as(as = "Option<DisplayFromStr>")]
    #[serde(with = "::serde_with::As::<Option<DisplayFromStr>>")]
    baz: Option<u32>,

§A note on schemars integration

When the schemars_0_8 feature is enabled this macro will scan for #[derive(JsonSchema)] attributes and, if found, will add #[schemars(with = "Schema<T, ...>")] annotations to any fields with a #[serde_as(as = ...)] annotation. If you wish to override the default behavior here you can add #[serde_as(schemars = true)] or #[serde_as(schemars = false)].

Note that this macro will check for any of the following derive paths:

  • JsonSchema
  • schemars::JsonSchema
  • ::schemars::JsonSchema

It will also work if the relevant derive is behind a #[cfg_attr] attribute and propagate the #[cfg_attr] to the various #[schemars] field attributes.